Corpus Christi

Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Corpus Christi, TX

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Corpus Christi is the county seat of Nueces County and the largest city on the South Texas coast. The city got its name from the Latin word Corpus Christi, which means “the Body of Christ.” The name was given by a Spanish explorer who discovered the lush semitropical bay on the Catholic feast day of Corpus Christi. Thus, the nickname of the city is “Sparkling City by the Sea,” and it is particularly featured in the tourist literature. The city’s major economic contributors are petroleum and natural gas, manufacturing, agriculture, fishing, a naval airbase, and the Corpus Christi International Airport. In recent years, the city has continued to grow steadily. The Corpus Christi metropolitan area offers numerous recreational facilities on top of its historical features. The major cultural attractions include a museum, a symphony orchestra, and a little theater.

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