
Local Food Businesses in Angelina County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Angelina county, Texas

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Dubbed as the “land of The Little Angel,” Angelina County was named after a Hainai Indian girl who helped the Spanish Franciscan priests, who established the early Indian missions in the late 1600s. It was in 1846 when Angelina County was officially established, after the division of the Nacogdoches County. Angelina is generally known to be a great source of lumber, specifically pine and hardwoods such as gum, magnolia, elm, hickory, and oak. Only 20 to 30 percent of the land in this county can be used for farming. The soil within the county contains lignite and bentonite which is used for mineral production, and in the northern area, the soil is made of clay or sand. The county is bordered by the Angelina River in the north and the Neches River in the south. Its largest town, Lufkin, is also the county seat. For recreation, the people of the county and its visitors can enjoy the well-maintained public parks, biking, and hiking trails, as well as a paddling trail by the river.

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