
Local Food Businesses in Aransas County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Aransas county, Texas

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Located on the Gulf of Mexico and tagged as the state’s second-smallest county, Aransas County is home to a relaxed coastal community, with Rockport as the county seat. Reports say that its name was inspired by a palace in Spain named Rio Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu, as well as the given name to one of the Spanish outposts in the area. The county, being near the bay, supports businesses and industries such as seafood and tourism, as well as oil production. Recreational activities are also booming with a multitude of options such as fishing, boating and water sports, sport hunting, and bird watching. The Aransas County is known to be a great place for bird watchers as one can easily spot local bird species or migrating birds, with this area in the perfect position in the Central Flyway migratory path.

Local Food Business Listings in Aransas County, Texas

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