
Local Food Businesses in Baylor County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Baylor county, Texas

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Located in North Central Texas, Baylor Country was formally organized in 1879, with Seymour as the county seat. The name was derived after Henry W. Baylor, a Texas Ranger surgeon during the Mexican War. The county is primarily agricultural, growing crops such as wheat, sorghum, cotton, and hay, as well as cattle and livestock. Baylor is also home to the Settler’s Reunion, formerly known as the annual Cowboys’ Reunion, the oldest event of its kind in Texas. It includes barbeque, rodeo, baseball games, and a grand ball! Other recreational activities in this county include hunting and go-kart races!

Local Food Business Listings in Baylor County, Texas

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