
Local Food Businesses in Brooks County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Brooks county, Texas

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Brooks County is located in the south of Texas, with Falfurrias as its county seat. It is situated about 70 miles north from the United States – Mexico border. It was first organized in 1912 and was named after John Brooks, a Texas Ranger, and legislator who played a major role in its formation. Oil and gas production, as well as agriculture, are the prime industries that sustain its economy. Crops include watermelons, sorghum, and hay, as well as beef and stocker cattle. Brooks County is also home to much-celebrated annual events such as the Fiesta Ranchera, the Watermelon roundup, and the Mexican Village Celebration.

Local Food Business Listings in Brooks County, Texas

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