
Local Food Businesses in Burnet County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Burnet county, Texas

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Burnet County, located in central Texas, was established in 1852 and was named for David G. Burnet, the president of the provisional government of the Republic of Texas. The key elements of the county’s economy are stone processing, some manufacturing concerns, hunting leases, and tourism. Tourists and locals are drawn to enjoy the two lakes in the area, Lake Buchanan and Lake Lyndon B. Johnson. It is also home to well-celebrated events like the Bertram’s Oatmeal Festival during Labor Day, Burnet’s Bluebonnet Festival in April, and Marble Falls’ drag boat races in August.

Local Food Business Listings in Burnet County, Texas

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