
Local Food Businesses in Calhoun County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Calhoun county, Texas

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Located on the Gulf Coast between Houston and Corpus Christi is the county of Calhoun. Established in 1846, it was named after John C. Calhoun, the seventh Vice-President of the country and one of the advocates for Texas to be declared as a state. Port Lavaca was chosen to be the county seat. Key industries in the county’s economy include aluminum and plastic manufacturing, agriculture, petroleum, fish processing, and marine construction. Choosing from the recreation options is very interesting with the list of parks and state-protected areas such as Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Powderhorn Wildlife Management Area, Matagorda Island Wildlife Management Area, and the Welder Flats Wildlife Management Area. The ports and beaches also draw in tourists and locals for hunting fishing, boating, and bathing. Special events are also celebrated annually like the Sea Fest, Texas Water Safari, Shrimp-Fest, Fishing Derby and Youth Rodeo, Christmas Parade, and the Calhoun County Fair.

Local Food Business Listings in Calhoun County, Texas

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