
Local Food Businesses in Clay County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Clay county, Texas

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Situated on U.S. Highways 287 and 82 in North Texas is Clay County. Named after statesman and U. S. Secretary of State Henry Clay, the county was established in 1857. Ranching, farming, oil, and manufacturing are the main industries in its economy, with beef and dairy cattle, horses, wheat, cotton, pecans, and peaches as the primary agricultural products. For recreation activities, tourists and residents can choose from hunting, fishing, water sports, and visiting the Lake Arrowhead State Park. Clay's county seat and largest community, Henrietta hosts the county's special annual events: the Pioneer Reunion Festival and the Junior Stock Show.

Local Food Business Listings in Clay County, Texas

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