
Local Food Businesses in Coke County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Coke county, Texas

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Coke County was established in 1889 and was named after the fifteenth governor of Texas, Richard Coke. Hayrick was its original county seat, but was transferred to the town of Robert Lee in 1891. Oil was first discovered in the county in 1942, and it is the industry that has primarily sustained its economy, from then until now. Agriculture is also widespread in the area, with the residents growing and producing beef cattle, small grains, hay, sheep, and goats. The county is home to the Robert Lee Dam, which is a reliable water source for the Robert Lee area, and serves as a valuable recreation site as well for fishermen, boaters and swimmers. Hunting and fishing at the Lake Spence and Oak Creek Reservoir are also great pastime activities.

Local Food Business Listings in Coke County, Texas

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