
Local Food Businesses in Collingsworth County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Collingsworth county, Texas

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Collingsworth County was established in 1876 and located at the eastern edge of the Texas Panhandle, with Oklahoma bordering the county on the east. The county was named for the first chief justice of the Republic of Texas, James Collinsworth. However, there was a spelling error in the legislation about the establishment of the county, making its name, Collingsworth. Agriculture is the main source of the county's economy, with cotton, grain, beef production as the main products. But in the recent years, peanuts emerged to be one of its most important local crops; Collingsworth even placed second in the state, in terms of peanuts acreage, in the year 2000.

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