
Local Food Businesses in Cooke County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Cooke county, Texas

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Located on the Oklahoma border in north central Texas is the Cooke County. Established in 1848, with Gainesville as the county seat, the county was named after William G. Cooke, a hero during the Texas Revolution. Agriculture is the main industry in the county, along with oil and gas production and manufacturing. Wheat, oats, peanuts, and hay are the important crops to the county's economy. Residents and tourists can take part in recreational activities such as water sports, hunting, and fishing. They can also visit the zoo, museum, and the Ray Robert Lake State Park. The Gainesville Depot Day and car show held in October is also a crowd-puller.

Local Food Business Listings in Cooke County, Texas

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