
Local Food Businesses in Edwards County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Edwards county, Texas

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Edwards County is located on the Edwards Plateau in Texas. Rocksprings is the county seat of Edwards County. The early inhabitants of the area were the Lipan Apache and Comanche Indians. The county was originally founded in 1858 and was organized twenty-five years later. Harden Edwards was the town’s namesake. He was an early settler of Nacogdoches which is a small city in Texas. The Edwards Plateau and the Edwards Aquifer are both named after the county. Some of the top tourist sights located in Edwards County are Devil’s Sinkhole State Natural Area, Stuart Bat Cave, Kickapoo Cavern State Park, and Lake Nueces.

Local Food Business Listings in Edwards County, Texas

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