
Local Food Businesses in Hood County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Hood county, Texas

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Hood county is a county located in on the Edwards Plateau and was formed in 1866. It was named after John Bell Hood, the commander of Hood’s Texas Brigade and a general of the Confederate Army. Hood county’s seat, Granbury, has been voted USA Today’s Best Historic Small Town in America. Hood county is rich in deep Texas history and rich in unique culture. Hood County is also home to some of the top Ghosts and Legends tours in America, so if you’re into spooky thrills then Hood County is a must-go-to. There’s also a doll museum in Granbury that showcases over 700 dolls from all around the world.

Local Food Business Listings in Hood County, Texas

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