
Local Food Businesses in Karnes County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Karnes county, Texas

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Karnes County is situated in the state of Texas. Karnes City is the county seat of Karnes County and the largest city of the county is Kenedy. Henry Karnes is the reason why both the county and the city are named this way. He was a soldier and a notable figure in the Texas Revolution. The county was founded on the fourth of February 1854. ConocoPhillips drilled a well in the area of the county and hit oil. This caused the county’s economy to rise around the year 2008. Top sights located in Karnes County in Texas are Cibolo Creek, Best Lake, Joe Gulley Park, and WOW Longhorn Museum.

Local Food Business Listings in Karnes County, Texas

Local Food Businesses by City in Karnes County, Texas


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