
Local Food Businesses in Kaufman County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Kaufman county, Texas

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Kaufman County is a county situated in the state of Texas. Kaufman is also the name for the county seat. Both the county and the city were named for a certain David S. Kaufman who was a diplomat and a U.S Representative from Texas. The county and the city were both established in 1848. Frank Reaugh moved from Illinois to the county in 1876. He wanted to get inspiration for his painting known as The Approaching Herd that was finished in 1902. Some of the top sights and tourist attractions set in Kaufman County are Gentle Zoo, John Bunker Sands Wetland Center, Forney Community Park, and The Scuba Ranch.

Local Food Business Listings in Kaufman County, Texas

Local Food Businesses by City in Kaufman County, Texas


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