
Local Food Businesses in Madison County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Madison county, Texas

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The County of Madison, located in the east-central part of the Texas state, was organized in 1854. It was named after James Madison who was the fourth president of the United States. The county primarily depended on agricultural and rural industries. This county also boasts the Lake Madison Park, Fossil Tree Farm, and the Madisonville County Museum. It is also home to the Mushroom Festival, the biggest annual mushroom celebration in the state where fun runs, automotive showcase, arts and photography exhibits, cooking demonstrations, energetic quilt shows, and live entertainment are all being presented every October. The famous TX Burger, home of the “never-frozen burgers,” can be found in this county, along with American and Western food specialties.

Local Food Business Listings in Madison County, Texas

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