
Local Food Businesses in Nueces County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Nueces county, Texas

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The county of Nueces, located south of the Texas state, was established in 1846 and organized in 1847. It was named after the Nueces River, which was named after the abundant pecan trees that grow along its banks; Nueces is a Spanish word which means nuts. This county has been economically dependent on a variety of industries; agriculture, manufacturing, oil and gas fields services, metal fabrication are among them. It also features numerous historical and recreational sites from the Art Museum of South Texas to the Padre Island National Seashore. Nueces County is also home for the famous USS Lexington, the remaining Essex-class aircraft carrier that was used during WWII. Southern comfort food, along with traditional Louisiana, Italian, and American cuisines serve this county.

Local Food Business Listings in Nueces County, Texas

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