
Local Food Businesses in Oldham County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Oldham county, Texas

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The county of Oldham, located in the north-western corner of Texas Panhandle, was established in 1876 and organized in 1881. It was named after Williamson Simpson Oldham, a Confederate senator who was one of the early settlers in the area. This county has been economically dependent on its farming and ranching industries; grain sorghum, wheat, and beef cattle were its major agricultural products. The oil and gas industry was later added and it significantly contributed to the county’s growth as well. Oldham County features a few historical sites and tourist attractions such as the Dot’s Mini Museum, Milburn-Price Culture Museum, and the Magnolia Station. It is also home to Cal Farley’s Boy Ranch, the residential community of the world’s famous athlete Cal Farley. Moreover, this county is being served by Cajun, American, Asian, and local Tex-Mex restaurants.

Local Food Business Listings in Oldham County, Texas

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