
Local Food Businesses in Orange County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Orange county, Texas

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The county of Orange, located in the south-eastern region of the Texas state, was formed in 1852 and was named after the orange citrus fruit, which were largely grown by its pioneer settlers. However, oranges are no longer grown in this county since winter frosts ceased their orchards. Despite that, the county remained to depend on its farming, ranching, chemical and petrochemical manufacturing industries; cattle, rice, oats, Indian corn, potatoes, and other vegetables were among its principal products. Crayfish was also commercially raised, and it remained to become the centerpiece of the annual Gumbo Cook-Off that is held every May. It also features some of the best historical and recreational sites from the Heritage History Museum, to the Shangri-La Botanical Garden. Furthermore, Cajun, American, Asian, Italian, and local Tex-Mex cuisines are all being served in this county.

Local Food Business Listings in Orange County, Texas

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