Palo Pinto

Local Food Businesses in Palo Pinto County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Palo Pinto county, Texas

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The county of Palo Pinto, located in the north-central region of the Texas state, was established in 1856 and organized in 1857. It was named after the Palo Pinto Creek, a river flowing from the Brazos River. This county has been economically dependent on its oil and natural gas production, farming, and ranching industries; peanuts, corn, fruits, grain sorghums, cattle, goats, and sheep were its major agricultural products. The tourism industry was also developed around the Mineral Wells State Park, Possum Kingdom Lake, and Lake Palo Pinto; the county celebrates a Crazy Water Festival every May. Furthermore, barbecue smokehouses, steakhouses, pizzeria, Mexican and Southwestern restaurants serve this county.

Local Food Business Listings in Palo Pinto County, Texas

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