
Local Food Businesses in Presidio County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Presidio county, Texas

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The county of Presidio, located in the south-western region of the Texas state, was established in 1850 and organized in 1875. It was named after the ancient border town of Presidio Del Norte. This county has been economically dependent on its large-scale ranching and vegetable farming industries. It also offers clean air, rugged scenery, and historic sites such as the Marfa Lights, Presidio County Courthouse, and the Big Bend National Park where you can see the largest protected area of the Chihuahuan Desert ecology and topography in the United States. Furthermore, this county is dominated by a variety of Mexican, Southwestern, and American food specialties and pastries.

Local Food Business Listings in Presidio County, Texas

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