
Local Food Businesses in Taylor County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Taylor county, Texas

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The county of Taylor, located in the west-central region of the Texas state, was established in 1858 and organized in 1878. It was named after the three Taylor brothers who served at and died in the Alamo Battle. This county has been economically dependent on its farming, ranching, oil, gas, and education industries; beef cattle, cotton, milo, and small grain were its primary agricultural products. It also features a lot of historical, educational, and recreational sites. Taylor County is also home to many college events and fairs, that includes the Buffalo Gap historical tour and arts festival, Western Heritage ranch rodeo, and the West Texas Fair. Seafood and barbecue, along with Asian and Tex-Mex specialties are dominantly served in this area.

Local Food Business Listings in Taylor County, Texas

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