
Local Food Businesses in Wise County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Wise county, Texas

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Wise County is a county situated in Texas. The county seat of Wise County is the city of Decatur. Henry A. Wise was the reason the county was named this way. On the 10th of November in the year 1837, the Battle of the Knobs was fought in the area where present Wise County is located. Texians were outnumbered having 18 soldiers that were under command of Lieutenant A. B. Benthuysen. There were around 150 Indians in the battle. The Indians killed only ten soldiers while the Texians wounded or killed around 50 Indians. Top sights and tourist attractions located in Wise County are Lyndon B. Johnson National Grassland, International Exotic Animal Sanctuary, and Brushy Creek Vineyards.

Local Food Business Listings in Wise County, Texas

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