
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Cooper, TX

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Cooper, Texas

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The city of Cooper is the administrative center of Delta County. It was founded in 1870, the same year that Delta County was established. The city quickly became the center of local events. It’s economy relied primarily on agricultural farming and the shipping of local goods. In the mid-1890s, a railroad line was built through the city, contributing to the rapid development of Cooper. Although the region’s cotton crop failed in 1926, the city managed to recover during the mid-1930s. The local economy continued the growth of cotton as its primary source into the 1960s. Ten years after that, it began to expand in the growth of wheat. During the same year, Cooper reported sixty businesses, including seed-cleaning plants and some thirty-eight dairies. Twenty years later, the city was a commercial and shipping center for the surrounding agricultural region, and to date, the city’s economy still relies primarily on agriculture.

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