
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Copeville, TX

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Copeville is an unincorporated community in southeastern Collin County. It was named after John Miles Cope who was one of the earliest settlers to arrive in the area. Together with his father and brother, the community was organized in the 1850s. Twenty-eight years later, the community was granted a post office. In 1885, the community had a church, school, cotton gin, sawmill, flour mill, and a general store. One year after, Copeville was moved about a mile east from its original location where the Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe Railroad was laid through the area. Consequently, the businesses and residences were also moved to the tracks. Until the 1930s, Copeville served as a shipping point for are farmers. For five years between 1885 and 1890, the community was considered as a principal supplier of bois d’arc timber for Dallas. Although the town experienced a great depression in the early 1900s, Copeville was able to recover. In 1947, the community had two churches, five businesses, and a school. Copeville had an additional two businesses in 1990.

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