
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Coyanosa, TX

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Coyanosa is a census-designated place in Pecos County. It was originally settled as a ranching community in the early 1900s. Although its post office was established in 1908 and was closed ten years later, Coyanosa has managed to stay. During the 1950s, a large number of water wells were drilled in the area to irrigate the nearby cotton farms. In the early 1960s, the post office was reopened and the town was thriving with eight businesses. In the late 1970s, devastating fuel shortages put an end to irrigation and the cotton farms went out of business. The population had declined to 270 by the mid-1970s; however, it remained the same until the early 1990s, along with seven businesses in Coyanosa.

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