
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Crawford, TX

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Crawford is a town in western McLennan County and is a part of the Waco Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is best known as the home of the former U.S. prescient George W. Bush. Inhabited by Tonkawa Indians once, the area was first settled in the 1850s and was incorporated in August 1897. The development increased after the Civil War and in 1871, the post office was opened. Before the decade ends, the town had several stores, a tavern, a blacksmith shop, and a school. In 1881, the Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe Railroad bypassed the townsite, and its residents moved along the new line. As a result, the town experienced economic growth; the town had four churches, a cotton gin, and a grain mill soon. Crawford remained a significant agricultural center throughout the twentieth century.

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