
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Crosby, TX

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Crosby is a census-designated place in Harris County. It was named after G.J. Crosby who was a railroad construction engineer. The town opened its first store in 1865 and it quickly became a retail and shipping center for lumber and agricultural products between the San Jacinto River and Cedar Bayou. Crosby opened its post office in 1877 and by 1891, the town had a school, a Baptist church, a Methodist church, two livestock stables, and a general store. Seven years later, the community was reported to have received its nickname Lick Skillet, which came from the phrase, “The East Texas oxen team drivers sipped the spring sweet water and licked their skillets clean.” In 1929, Crosby became a banking center. The town reported 455 businesses in the year 2000.

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