
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Crowell, TX

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Crowell, Texas

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Crowell is a city in and the county seat of Foard County. It was named after George T. Crowell, who is the owner of the townsite. Crowell was founded in 1891; a year after, it was organized and was voted as the county seat. The town instantly became a trade center and the largest town in the county. By 1900, Crowell had a variety of businesses that included a hotel, a cotton gin, and a gristmill. In 1908, the first train of the Kansas City, Mexico, and Orient Railway reached the town, the same year that Crowell was incorporated. A boom followed shortly after. In 1927, Crowell discovered oil, which made the town weathered the Great Depression reasonably well. In 1942, the community experienced a great tornado damage where 10 people were killed, 125 got hurt, and 1,500 become homeless. In addition, ninety percent of the businesses and homes were destroyed. The town got help during the emergency and it was eventually rebuilt. The leading industries remained within agribusiness and the manufacturing of sporting goods.

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