
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Dayton, TX

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Dayton is a city in Liberty County. It was founded in 1831 and was part of the original town of Liberty. Thus, it was first known as West Liberty, which became known as Day’s Town sometime after 1854. In 1860, the Texas and New Orleans Railroad arrived and made the town a station. The town was addressed as either West Liberty, Days Station, or Dayton Station. In 1877, the name Dayton was submitted to the local post office and made the name permanent in the mid-1880s. Lumbering and cattle raising were the town’s economic mainstay until the introduction of rice production. In 1911, Dayton was recorded as an incorporated municipality and in 1925, it was reincorporated. Oil development during the 1920s brought new industries to Dayton. By 1940, the city was listed as a railroad center, along with seventy reported businesses.

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