
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Detroit, TX

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Detroit, Texas

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Detroit is a town in Red River County. It was first developed around the proposed route of the Texas and Pacific Railway in the early 1870s. Upon the railroad’s completion in 1876, a nearby post office was moved to the new town and was named Bennett. In 1887, J.M. Stephens, a local railway agent, renamed the town Detroit after his former home in Michigan. Detroit quickly became an important trading center and shipping point for area farmers. By the early 1890s, the town had two hotels, two steam mills, two cotton gins, a church, a school, a bank, and a weekly newspaper. John Nance Garner, the 32nd Vice President of the United States, was born near the town.

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