Dodd City

Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Dodd City, TX

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Dodd City is a town in Fannin County. It was established in 1839 when Maj. Edmund Hall Dodd and his wife arrived from Kentucky. From 1845 to 1865, a post office branch was under the name Licke until it was reestablished under the name Dodd from 1873 to 1902 when the name was changed to Dodd City. The Civil War decelerated its growth; however, its population increased over the next five years, as war veterans moved to the state. In 1873, a railroad arrived at Quincy – a mere mile town from Dodd. Quincy was absorbed when Dodd was incorporated in 1879. Dodd then became one of the largest towns in Fannin County, and for the next three decades, the town served as a retail and shipping center for area farmers.

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