
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Doucette, TX

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Doucette is an unincorporated community in Tyler County. Elijah Hanks received its land grant in 1834. Doucette was formerly known as Carroll’s Switch, when Alva Carrolls built a sawmill around the area in 1890. After a year, the community was renamed as Doucette, after Pete Doucette, one of the three persons who bought the settlement. In 1893, a post office was established and Doucette soon became one of the leading towns in East Texas. The sawmill was eventually bought by the Carter brothers, who named their firm Emporia Lumber Company. The lumber company has been sold thrice, but the last owner, International Paper Company, still has its office and yard in the community. Thus, Doucette managed to keep the lumber and shipping business, along with other small businesses that make Doucette a small but functional community.

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