Eagle Pass

Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Eagle Pass, TX

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Eagle Pass is a city in and the county seat of Maverick County. It was the first American settlement on the Rio Grande and was originally known as Camp Eagle Pass. The city was founded in the 1840s and it was named for the contour of its hills which resembled the outstretched wings of an eagle. Despite the multiple mediations of the Texas Rangers, cattle thieves and fugitives successfully dominated the area through the 1870s. By 1875, the city consisted of Anglo-Americans, Germans, and mostly Mexicans. Their primary employment was stock raising and mercantile business. Upon the rail line’s completion in 1882, the city became an important international center. Eagle Pass served ranches, coal mines, and farms. Irrigated farming techniques were also introduced, and it strengthened the region’s agricultural economy. Eagle pass remained to be a center for county government, tourism, and varied manufacturing.

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