
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Fabens, TX

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The US census-designated place (CDP) of Fabens is located in El Paso County in the US state of Texas. Its population was 8,257 in 2010, according to the 2010 census. The history of this place back to the 19th century. In the 1870s, Epitacia Alvarez and Teodoro Alvarez operated a small farm where Fabens currently lies. The site was at the time known as Mezquital. The townsite would, in 1887, be sold to E. S. Newman. The town’s first permanent settler was known as Eugenio Perez, an immigrant from San Elizario. Perez owned a small farm, a store, and later a water-pumping station. The store would later, in 1906, become the first Fabens post office. It was named in honor of George Fabens, a Southern Pacific Officer.

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