
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Goliad, TX

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Goliad is a city located in Goliad County in Texas. The city is very well known for the Goliad massacre that happened in 1836. The city was founded on the San Antonio River and is the county seat of Goliad County. The town was originally established in October in 1749 by Spanish colonists. The town used to be called in La Bahia and was changed to Goliad in 1829. The town was held by Anglo-Americans in 1836. In March that year, the Mexicans defeated the garrison of Colonel James Fannin, at a nearby Battle of Coleto. The President of Mexico at the time was Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna ordered to execute all of the survivors. On Palm Sunday, March the 27th in 1836, 303 people were marched out to be executed and 39 were executed inside the fort. Only 20 prisoners were spared because they were either medical attendants or physicians. 342 Men were killed and only 28 escaped. This is famously known as the Goliad massacre. The city has a population of 1,908 residents as of the 2010 census. The city is served by the Goliad Independent School District. Goliad has a total area of 1.57 square miles.

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