
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Nursery, TX

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The nursery is situated on U.S. Highway 87 ten miles northwest of Victoria in Victoria County, Texas. It is also near Coleto Creek Reservoir on unnumbered county roads. It was formerly a part of a huge tract that once belonged to Silvestre De León, son of impresario Martín De León. It is an unincorporated community named after the nursery of the pioneer horticulturist Gilbert Onderdonk who also served as the first postmaster in 1884 while also being a Wells Fargo Shipping Agent. This place developed around the San Antonio and Mexican Gulf Railway, the post office, and the nursery. It was the local sandy loam soil with clay subsoil which makes it advantageous for the nursery growth. Only the post office, a few businesses, and a seven-grade school remained in this area in 1985.

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