
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Odem, TX

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Odem was named after the county sheriff, David Odem who also platted the city in 1909 along with John James Welder. Odem is situated at the intersection of two rail lines twenty miles from Corpus Christi in southwestern San Patricio County, Texas. It was the St. Louis, Brownsville and Mexico Railway who laid tracks through the county in 1907. Also, its post office was opened in 1909 with Jarrad B. Clark as postmaster. With a total land area of 1.11 square miles, it already reached a population of 2,420 in 2017. The Odem-Edroy Independent School District served its education. In 2010 census, the city has a composition of 73.59% White, 0.20% African American, 0.68% Native American, 0.08% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 22.97% from other races, and 2.44% from two or more races. Also, Hispanic or Latino was 77.91% of any race. The post office opened in 1909 with Jarrad B. Clark as postmaster.

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