
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Terrell, TX

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Terrell is a city in Kaufman County, in the U.S. state of Texas. It is located on US 80, SH 34, SH 205, north of the county. The area was first settled in 1848, but it wasn’t until 1873, when a railroad crossed the area, that the settlement was laid out and the post office was inaugurated. Terell was named after Robert A. Terrell, an early settler of the town. The town was incorporated a couple of years later and Terrell quickly grew from then. By the 1880s, the town already had 3,000 residents and several businesses like hotels, flour mills, cotton gins, a creamery, a canning factory, and an iron foundry. The community raised cattle, cotton, and timber; Terrelle became its shipping point. Throughout the 19th century, agricultural businesses and the production of clothing, machine parts, and plastic goods had been the city’s primary economic activities. Meanwhile, the number of residents continued its growth as well. As of 2018, it has a population of 18,126.

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