The Colony

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The Colony is a city in Denton County and a suburb of Dallas, in the U.S. state of Texas. It was named after the Peters Colony Land Grant Company, for William Peters was the one who obtained a contract to survey and promote the settlement. When Peters Colony was authorized by the Mexican empresario free land program, the company recruited 2,200 families. One investor soon established the company’s headquarters along with a small general store. He hired Henry Hedgcoxe to manage the headquarters and be the company’s chief surveyor. Although Hedgcoxe had good administration skills, his people mistrusted him with the surveys, which eventually led the land speculators to raid and burn the office in 1851. This event was recorded as the Hedgcoxe War. In 1973, the town was incorporated as a housing development. It was served by eight churches, two shopping centers, and two newspapers. As of 2010, it has a population of 36,328.

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