
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Yantis, TX

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Yantis, bordered by the three sides of Lake Fork Reservoir, is a town in Wood County, in the U.S. state of Texas. It is located at the junction of SH 154 and FM 17, northwest of the county. Although the area was first settled in 1860, it wasn’t until two and a half decades later that the town was granted its own post office. Yantis was then named after George Yantis, the town’s first postmaster who also operated a gin and gristmill around 1890. The number of residents considerably grew from then, reaching its pinnacle in the early 1930s with 500 townsmen. However, it gradually decreased despite the discovery of a nearby oilfield in 1947. As of 2010, it has a population of 388.

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