
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Oglesby, TX

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Oglesby is a city situated at the intersection of Farm Road 1996 and the St. Louis Southwestern Railway of Texas, thirteen miles east of Gatesville in eastern Coryell County, Texas. It has a total area of 0.50 square miles with a total population of 452 in 2017. Formerly known as Hilltop owing to its location which is the highest point above sea level on the railroad. Its present name was in honor of William Oglesby who also gave land for the townsite. The city was also incorporated in 1953 with a mayor-council form of city government. The city is also part of the Killeen–Temple–Fort Hood Metropolitan Statistical Area. Also, the Oglesby Independent School District and is home to the Oglesby School Tigers.

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