
Local Food Businesses in Armstrong County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Armstrong county, Texas

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Armstrong County is located at the central Panhandle on the east edge of the Texas High Plains. The county’s economy mainly relies on ranching and farming, as they can cultivate crops such as wheat, sorghum, cotton, and hay. The county seat, Claude, was chosen as one of “Texas Yes! Hardworking Rural Communities.” Tourism to the county is highly promoted, being home to the Palo Duro Canyon State Scenic Park, the “most spectacular scenic landscape feature in the Panhandle of Texas.” Palo Duro, which is in Spanish, can be translated to hardwood, referring to the shrubs and trees that can be found in the canyon. Other county attractions include the Goodnight Ranch Home, which was founded by the two men who brought cattle to the Armstrong County in the 1800s, as well as one of the longest-running heritage festivals in Texas, the Caprock Roundup and Old Settler’s Reunion in Claude.

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