
Local Food Businesses in Bandera County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Bandera county, Texas

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Located in southwest Texas, Bandera County was first established in 1856, when it was broken off from the Bexar County and was then formally organized. Its name, Bandera, is a Spanish word, is a direct translation of the word flag. There were several accounts as to why it was chosen as the county’s name. One of the legends says it was after a Spanish general named Bandera who led an expedition against the Apaches, who allegedly raided San Antonio de Béxar, while another legend claims that the Spanish left a flag or flags at the now Bandera Pass to warn against Indian future raids. Another tale tells of a red flag that was used as a symbol of a treaty between the Spanish and the Indian leaders. The main products from this county are apples and beef cattle, sheep, goats, and horses. Bandera County is home to several attractions that bring in thousands of tourists annually, such as the Frontier Times Museum, the Bandera Pass, Camp Montel, and the Hill Country State Natural Area. It is also a popular spot for bird watchers as the Lost Maples State Natural Area is home to several rare bird species.

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