Val Verde

Local Food Businesses in Val Verde County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Val Verde county, Texas

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The county of Val Verde, located in the south-western region of the Texas state, was established and organized in 1885. It was named after a battle of the American Civil War; val verde is a Spanish phrase which means “green valley.” This county has been economically dependent on its ranching, hunting, fishing, trading, military, and tourism industries; Angora goats, meat goats, sheep, and cattle were its primary agricultural products. Moreover, this county offers various historical and recreational sites; it is also known as a popular deer hunting and fishing area. Some of the best vineyards and wine cellars, along with restaurants that serve local and international cuisines, can also be found in this county.

Local Food Business Listings in Val Verde County, Texas

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