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Just like the famous marionberry,  the Olallieberry is another blackberry variant. This fruit is a cross between the Loganberry and the Youngberry. Through multiple generations of cross-breeding, the final berry is about 75% blackberry and 25% raspberry and shares flavor profiles from both fruits. Unlike its cousin the marionberry, the olallieberry never took off in popularity where it was developed and is now mostly grown in California.

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Rosales
  • Family: Rosaceae
  • Genus: Rubus
  • Binomial name: Rubus laciniatus x ulmifolius

Olallieberry Trivia

  • The term “Olallie” means “Berry” in Chinook Jargon, literally translated, the Olallieberry is “berry berry”.
  • The Olallieberry is one of the “parents” of the more famous marionberry.

Olallieberry Buying Guide

Having taken a backseat to the more famous marionberry and other hardier variants of blackberries, it is very rare to find olallieberries in supermarkets. Local markets and farmers’ markets that sell olallieberries also tend to be very close to the farms that are producing them.

If you’re lucky enough to find olallieberries in your local market, look for fruits that are smooth and plump. Just like blackberries, avoid olallieberries that are soft and have visible bruising and weeping. The color of the berry should be jet black with a scattering of ruby red highlights.

Olallieberry Production & Farming in Texas

Olallieberry production in Texas is virtually nonexistent due to two reasons:

  • The olallieberry has been bred for more temperate climates.
  • There are more productive and more suited blackberry variants that can be grown in Texas.


Olallieberries are a type of blackberry so they can be considered on the low scale when it comes to pesticide residues on the fruits. While it’s best to go with organic fruits, olallieberries are a relatively good choice when compared with other pesticide-laden fruit.


Olallieberries thrive in USDA hardiness zones 7, 8, and 9. The soil should have a pH level of 5.5-7.0. The planting site should also be trellised as olallieberries need the supports of the trellises while they are growing.


Olallieberries have very thin skin and are very prone to bruising. Commercially produced olallieberries are packed in very rigid plastic clamshell boxes to protect them during transports and are exclusively stored in refrigerated conditions to prolong shelf life.

Enjoying Olallieberries

Olallieberries are best enjoyed straight from the vine, one of the perks of eating organic.

For store-bought olallieberries, give them a quick soak in cold water first before eating them.


Olallieberries are very fragile blackberries and are highly perishable. They are best consumed immediately after purchase.

To prolong their shelf life, you can refrigerate olallieberries for up to three days. Just make sure to pick out any rotten or damaged berries to prevent the rest from going bad faster.

Tip: Never wash olallieberries unless you plan to eat the after or if you plan to freeze them.

Olallieberries can also be frozen to extend their shelf life by three months. Wash and dry them thoroughly before freezing them in a single layer before transferring to a bag or a freezer-safe container for up to three months.


If it’s your first time cooking with olallieberries then don’t worry. To cook olallieberries, just take your favorite blackberry recipe and just swap out blackberries for olallieberries. Olallieberries are excellent for use in muffins, pies, crisps, and tarts. Olallieberries can also be made into jams for an all-year treat that can be paired with bread and other pastries.


  • Carbs
    • Olallieberries are relatively low in carbs compared to other fruits, with most of the carb content being dietary fibers.
    • The glycemic index and glycemic load of the Olallieberry are low and this means that people with diabetes can safely snack on the fruit without worrying too much about their blood sugar levels spiking.
      • Be careful with olallieberry preparations like pies and jams as a lot of sugar is used on those to counter the berry’s natural tartness and acidity.
    • Fiber
      • Olallieberries are a rich source for dietary fiber with one serving providing almost 20% of your daily RDI.
        • Fiber is essential to our diets as it helps deal with the symptoms of constipation.
        • Fiber also helps control cholesterol by binding with them and flushing them out along with the other toxins in our bodies.
      • Vitamins and minerals:
        • Blackberries are unique when compared to other fruits because they retain almost all of their vitamins and minerals when frozen or dried.
        • Olallieberries contain high amounts of calcium that help strengthen our bones and fights osteoporosis.
        • Olallieberries are also a good snack for pregnant women as it contains a mineral that is essential for developing babies: Folate.
        • Olallieberries are rich in Vitamin C which can help boost immunity and fight off certain infections like the common cold or the flu.



  • Serving Size: 1 Serving
  • Calories: 60
  • Carbs: 0g 0%
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Fiber: 7g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Fat: 0g 0%
  • Saturated Fat: 0g 0%
  • Trans Fat 0g 0%
  • Cholesterol 0mg 0%
  • Sodium 0mg 0%
  • Vitamin C 20%
  • Vitamin A 10%
  • Calcium 0%
  • Iron 0%
  • Potassium 200mg

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