Submit Your Listing - TexasRealFood

Add Your Texas Food Business to TexasRealFood

Quick Tip

Add information about your business below. Your business page will not appear in search results until this information has been verified and approved by our moderators. Once it is approved, you will receive an email.

Add Your Business for Free

TexasRealFood is a free business directory dedicated to non-industrial food businesses based in Texas that are committed to a local Texas food system. This includes family farms and ranches, farmers markets, restaurants, artisan food producers and many more.

Learn more about our philosophy.

TexasRealFood is curated directory. Businesses cannot edit or claim their listing. However, our team works with all businesses to make sure their business is presented in the best possible way. Use this page to suggest your own business for listing in TexasRealFood or any other business you think we should include in our directory.

Business Type

Please choose your business type below

Artisan Food Producer, Bakery, or Butcher

Please select all of the business types that apply to you
Please enter the name of your business:* Do you have any event links? If so, list the details below.
Do you have a physical shop location?
What products do you make and/or sell? The more specific, the better!*
What product brands do you stock?
Where can your products be bought? Do you have a physical shop location, attend a farmer's market or supply stockists? Please list them below.*
Do you sell via an online platform? Include any links to your online shop, or where your products can be ordered online.
Please write a short description of any amenities or features as part of your farm stay:
Do you offer delivery? Please include details on where and how customers can order delivery.
Do you offer pickup / curbside delivery & take out?
Do you offer u-pick services?
Do you accept lone star card / food stamps?
Do you adhere to certain produce commitments as listed below? (Check all that apply)*
Are you a member of any of the below organizations? (Check all that apply)*
Are you a part of a CSA? If so, please list the details below. (Or URL of your CSA)

Business Information

Contact Details:* Please make sure your contact details are correct. Note "Correct", or if you have any amendments, list them below:
Business Address:* Start typing and select your google location from google suggestions. This is for the map and also for locating your business Opening Hours: Are your business Opening Hours correct? If so, write "Correct. If not, please submit your changes below. (Please note: this is only for businesses that have a physical location. If you do not have a physical location that a customer can visit, please indicate "Not Applicable")
Monday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Remove
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Remove
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Remove
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Remove
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Remove
Please upload hi-res images pertaining to your business below

Drag and drop files here

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Please list below any social media profiles you would like to link to your TexasRealFood profile:

Further Communication

We will need to contact you with regards to your listing. Please confirm the best email address to contact you below. This will also be attached to your listing, should a customer wish to contact you directly. *

The city name will help users find you in search filters.

Start typing and select your google location from google suggestions. This is for the map and also for locating your business.

These keywords or tags will help your listing to find in search. Add a comma separated list of keywords related to your business.

Drop files here or click to upload

Browse Files
All of the fields were successfully validated!


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