
Local Food Businesses in Menard County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Menard county, Texas

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The county of Menard, located at the center of the Texas state, was established in 1858 and organized in 1871. It was named after Michel Branamour Menard, a French-Canadian merchant who founded the city of Galveston, in Texas. This county has been economically dependent on its agriculture and livestock industries; it doesn’t have any manufacturing industries. Despite that, the county features a few interesting historic sites and landmarks such as the Fort McKavett State Historic Site, Presidio de San Saba, and the Historic Ditch Walk. Furthermore, you can enjoy a wide variety of food specialties that ranges from local Tex-Mex to European cuisine.

Local Food Business Listings in Menard County, Texas

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