
Local Food Businesses in Zapata County

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Zapata county, Texas

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The county of Zapata, located south of the Texas state, was established and organized in 1858. It was named after Antonio Zapata, a pioneer rancher and colonel who rebelled against Mexico. This county has been economically dependent on its natural gas, oil, banking, and tourism industries; beef cattle, meat goats, and sorghum were its primary agricultural products. It also features some interesting historical and recreational sites such as the Dolores Hacienda where you can hunt rocks, and the Falcon State Park, where you can hunt, fish, birdwatch, and play golf while enjoying the picturesque view of the lake. Its county seat also hosts a fajita cook-off every November. Moreover, barbecues, steak, fried chicken, seafood, and other Tex-Mex food specialties are dominant in this area.

Local Food Business Listings in Zapata County, Texas

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