Review of Thirsty Mule Winery & Vineyard by TexasRealFood

The Thirsty Mule Winery is located inside a hillside and "it is easy to locate off the highway". The original owner of the property dug out a hillside and poured a concrete structure and covered it back up. The tasting bar is 4' under the earth. "It's a great diversion in Liberty Hill". They have "live music every week and the wine is wonderful". Visit "it to fully understand not only the setting, but the winery tasting area complete with a gift shop, and wood-fired pizza". Have a taste of the "Chardonnay made from California grapes" that "tastes surprisingly sharp and 'raw'" or the "Pinot Blanc" which is "fruit forward at first but has a dry finish". You can also taste the "Cabernet" which has "hints of bell pepper both on the nose and by taste".

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